
Sunday, May 21, 2017

[Must Read] Another blow for Ogundokun as Oluwo revokes Obanla title - PHOTOS

Another moment of demotion dawn on former National Publicity Secretary of National Party of Nigeria (NPN), Mr. Abiola Ogundokun on Friday as the traditional ruler of his Iwo hometown, HRM Oba Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi Telu I, revoked the title of Obanla from the embattled politician.

This is coming few weeks after Mr. Ogundokun was stripped of all traditional and religious titles bestowed on him in the ancient town.
Announcing the punitive action on Mr. Ogundokun, Oba Akanbi adduced the exigency of the decision to the failure of he (Ogundokun) in the screening test conducted by the council of chiefs in Iwoland.
The monarch said the none of the panel member recommended Ogundokun after series of cross examinations, contending that “as a responsible monarch that respect his chiefs, I hereby announced the revoke of the proposed title for Ogundokun.”
The decision to revoke Mr. Ogundokun of the Obanla title was contained in a press statement issued by the monarch’s Press Secretary, Mr. Alli Ibrahim, which was made available to 365PARROTS on Friday.

The statement read thus, “the palace of Oluwo and the good people of Iwoland ably led by Oluwo hereby revoke the offer of Obanla of Iwo given to you on 8th January, 2017 with immediate effect,” warning Mr.Oundokun to cede from parading himself as Obanla henceforth.
The monarch explained that Obanla title is just an ordinary title, which he (Oluwo) gives to whomever is qualify, noting that “And after the sittings of the honorary chieftaincy committee, it was strongly prescribed Ogundokun should not be made the Obanla of Iwo for his past public and private actions, inactions and reactions that were inimical to the interest of Iwo, her sons and daughters.”
The monarch further clarified that Obanla, as ordinary honorary title which it is, is never a member of Iwo Traditional Council, pointing “the title was borrowed to compensate a worthy and competent ambassador of Iwo and not someone like Ogundokun who was a curse to Iwoland.”
Defining the context of his mission as the traditional ruler of the town, Oba Akanbi identified the redemption of hooligans, touts and thugs, which he said was to refined soul for the progress of the town, pointing that he initially brought Ogundokun closer for redemption but later discovered he is an irredeemable son.
“I hereby revoked the title of Obanla from Ogundokun today 19th May, 2017. We have not install him before. We only write him to intimate but there has never been installation nor certificate. I was advised by the screening committee to hold on the installation and presentation of certificate. Now, it was strongly recommended that we revoke the proposed title from him. That is our collective compromise and it has to be respected”
“As a father of all, one of my mandate to recruit Iwo sons and daughters from are thugs, hooligans from the street and redeem them. Ogundokun is one of them. I brought him closer despite massive ill-feelings against my step then. I was warned by people while many ran away from me because of Ogundokun. I never mind, I have to perform the role of a father. But when I realized he is a pig that can never be stopped from bathing in the mud, I sent him away” said Oluwo.
“Out of the many honorary titles in Iwoland, only Ekerin of Iwoland is permitted to seat at IWO traditional Council meetings.  Obanla is never among. “
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Saturday, May 20, 2017


     Friday, May 19, 2017 9:55 AM/Office of The Acting President

In exercise of the presidential authorities vested in the Executive arm of government, Acting President Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, today signed three executive orders that will significantly change some of the ways government business and operations are conducted in the country forthwith.

Ahead of the signing, the Acting President held an interactive session at the old Banquet Hall of Presidential Villa with all relevant government officials, including ministers, permanent secretaries and heads of departments and agencies among others. The session was meant to directly engage government officials who would be implementing the orders and the new instructions.

The executive orders also stipulate sanctions and punitive measures meant to address violations where necessary.

Specifically, Prof. Osinbajo signed three executive orders giving specific instructions on a number of policy issues affecting:
*the promotion of transparency and efficiency in the business environment designed to facilitate the ease of doing business in the country,
*support for local contents in public procurement by the Federal Government, and
*timely submission of annual budgetary estimates by all statutory and non-statutory agencies, including companies owned by the Federal Government.

Highlights of the three orders are as follows listed in A, B & C:
On the Promotion of Transparency and Efficiency in the Business Environment
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) to create an enabling environment for businesses and entrench measures and strategies aimed at promoting transparency and efficiency;
WHEREAS, the FGN is committed to the promotion of domestic and foreign investments, creation of employment and stimulation of the national economy; and
WHEREAS, His Excellency,  Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria constituted the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council to coordinate the implementation of this policy;
Now Therefore, Pursuant To The Authority Vested In Me By The Constitution As The Acting President Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria, I Hereby Order As Follows:

Transparency in MDAs
1.     Every Ministry, Department and Agency (MDA) of the FGN shall publish a complete list of all requirements or conditions for obtaining products and services within the MDA’s scope of responsibility, including permits, licenses, waivers, tax related processes, filings and approvals. The list shall –
a.     include all fees and timelines required for the processing of applications for the products and services; and  
b.     be conspicuously pasted on the premises of the relevant MDA and published on its website within 21 days from the date of issuance of this Order. 

2.  It shall be the responsibility of the head of the relevant MDA to ensure that the list is verified and kept up-to-date at all times. If there is any conflict between a published and an unpublished list of requirements, the published list shall prevail.
Default Approvals
3.   Where the relevant agency or official fails to communicate approval or rejection of an application within the time stipulated in the published list, all applications for business registrations, certification, waivers, licenses or permits not concluded within the stipulated timeline shall be deemed approved and granted.
4.     The mode of communication of official decisions to applicants shall be stated in the published requirements.
5.     Where applications are rejected within the stipulated timeline, all rejections shall be given with reasons. Rejections of applications shall be tracked and accurate records kept at all times for each MDA and shall be submitted to the head of the MDA on a weekly basis.
6.     There shall be at least two (2) modes of communication of acceptance or rejection of applications to the applicants by the relevant MDAs before the expiration of the stipulated time, including letters, emails and publications on MDA websites.
7.     The applicant’s acknowledgement copy of the application, including electronic submission acknowledgements, shall serve as proof of the date of submission of the application for purposes of determination of the commencement of the application timeline.
8.     An Applicant whose application is deemed granted under this Directive may apply to the Minister for the time being in charge of the application for the issuance of any document or certificate in evidence of the grant within 14 days of lapse of the MDA’s stipulated timeline for the application. 
9.     Failure of the appropriate officer to act on any application within the timeline stipulated, without lawful excuse, shall amount to misconduct and be subject to appropriate disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the law and regulations applicable to the civil or public service.
One Government Directive
10.   An MDA that requires input documentation, requirements or conditions from another MDA in order to deliver products and services on applications within the originating MDA’s remit or mandate, including permits, licenses, waivers, tax documentation, filings and approvals shall only request a photocopy or other prima facie proof from the applicant. It shall be the responsibility of the originating MDA to seek verification or certification directly from the issuing MDA.
11.   Service Level Agreements shall be binding on MDAs and shall be relied upon by MDAs in the issuance of published stipulated timelines for processing of applications for the products and services.
12.   It shall be the responsibility of the head of the relevant MDA to ensure that the agreed terms of the Service Level Agreements are adhered to.
13.   Failure of the appropriate officer to act within the timeline stipulated in the Service Level Agreement, without lawful excuse, shall amount to misconduct and be subject to appropriate disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the law and regulations applicable to the civil or public service.
Entry Experience of Visitors
14.   Ordinary tourist and business entry visas to Nigeria shall henceforth be issued or rejected with reason by the Consular Office of Nigerian Embassies and High Commissions within 48 hours of receipt of valid application. The timeline shall be notified to the public by pasting a notice conspicuously at every Consular Office and by publication on every website of Nigerian Embassies and High Commissions.
15.   A comprehensive and up to date list of requirements, conditions and procedures for obtaining visa on arrival, including estimated timeframe, shall be published on all immigration-related websites in Nigeria and abroad, including Embassies and High Commissions, and all ports of entry into Nigeria.
16.   The processing of issuance of visas on arrival shall be carried out in a transparent manner. Visas on arrival shall be granted at all Nigerian ports of entry once applicants have met all the published requirements.
Port Operations
17.   There shall be no touting whatsoever by official or unofficial persons at any port in Nigeria. On duty staff shall be properly identified by uniform and official cards. Off duty staff shall stay away from the ports except with the express approval of the agency head. The FAAN Aviation Security (AVSEC) and Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA) Security shall enforce this order.
18.  All non-official staff shall be removed from the secured areas of airports. No official of FAAN, Immigration, security agency or Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) or any other agency is to meet any non-designated dignitary at any secure areas of the airport. The official approved list of dignitaries that have been pre-approved to be received by protocol officers shall be made available to AVSEC and other relevant agencies ahead of their arrival at the airport.
19.   Any official caught soliciting or receiving bribes from passengers or other port users shall be subject to immediate removal from post and disciplinary as well as criminal proceedings in line with extant laws and regulations.
20.   All relevant MDAs at the airports shall within 30 days of the issuance of this Order merge their respective departure and arrival interfaces into a single customer interface, without prejudice to necessary backend procedures.
21.   All agencies currently physically present in Nigerian Ports shall within 60 days harmonise their operations into one single interface station domiciled in one location in the port and implemented by a single joint task force at all times, without prejudice to necessary backend procedures.
22.   The new single interface station at each Port shall capture, track and record information on all goods arriving and departing from Nigeria and remit captured information to the head of the MDA and the head of the National Bureau of Statistics on a weekly basis.
23.   Each Port in Nigeria shall assign an existing export terminal to be dedicated to the exportation of agriculture produce within 30 days of the issuance of this Order.
24.   The Apapa Port shall resume 24-hour operations within 30 days of the issuance of this Order.
Registration of Businesses
25.   The Registrar-General of the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) shall within 14 days of the issuance of this Order ensure that all registration processes at the CAC are fully automated through the CAC website from the start of an application process to completion, including ensuring the availability of an online payment platform where necessary.
Effective Date of the Order
26.   This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Dated this 18th. . . . . .. . day of May . . . . . . 2017.
Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, GCON
Acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

On support for local contents in public procurement by the Federal Government.
All Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the FGN shall grant preference to local manufacturers of goods and service providers in their procurement of goods and services.
2.     Any document issued by any MDA of the FGN for the solicitation of offers, bids, proposals or quotations for the supply or provision of goods and services (Solicitation Document), in accordance with (1) above, shall expressly indicate the preference to be granted to domestic manufacturers, contractors and service providers and the information required to establish the eligibility of a bid for such preference.
3.     All Solicitation Documents shall require bidders or potential manufacturers, suppliers, contractors and consultants to provide a verifiable statement on the local content of the goods or services to be provided.
4.     Made-in-Nigeria products shall be given preference in the procurement of the following items and at least 40% of the procurement expenditure on these items in all MDAs of the FGN shall be locally manufactured goods or local service providers:
a.     Uniforms and Footwear;
b.     Food and Beverages;
c.     Furniture & Fittings;
d.     Stationery;
e.     Motor Vehicles;
f.      Pharmaceuticals;
g.     Construction Materials; and
h      Information and Communication Technology;
5.     Within 90 days of the date of this Order, the heads of all MDAs of the FGN shall:
a.     assess the monitoring, enforcement, implementation, and compliance with this Executive Order and local content stipulations in the Public Procurement Act or any other relevant Act within their agencies;
b.     propose policies to ensure that the Federal Government’s procurement of goods and services maximises the use of goods manufactured in Nigeria and services provided by Nigerian citizens doing business as sole proprietors, firms, or companies held wholly by them or in the majority; and
c.     submit such findings to the Honourable Minister of Industry, Trade & Investment.
6.     Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Minister of Industry, Trade & Investment in consultation with the Director-General of the Bureau for Public Procurement shall submit to the President, a report on the Made-in-Nigeria initiative that includes findings from paragraph 4 above.  This report shall include specific recommendations to strengthen the implementation of Local Content Laws and local content procurement preference policies and programmes.
7.     For the purpose of this Order, “local content” means the amount of Nigerian or locally produced human and material resources utilised in the manufacture of goods or rendering of services.
8.     This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Dated this 18th. . . . . .. . day of May . . . . . . 2017.
Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, GCON
Acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
All Agencies, whether or not listed in the Fiscal Responsibility Act, shall, on or before the end May every year, cause to be prepared and submitted to the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Budget and National Planning their schedule of revenue and expenditure estimates for the next three financial years.
2.   All Agencies shall, on or before the end of July every year, cause to be prepared and submitted to the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Budget and National Planning their annual budget estimates, which shall be derived from the estimates of revenue and expenditure as projected in their three-year schedule.
3.     A joint committee of the Ministries of Finance, and the Budget and National Planning shall review such estimates and ensure their conformity with the national plan and the financial and budgetary regulations before processing them for approval and early transmission to the National Assembly.
4.     Supervising Ministers and Heads of Agencies as well as the Chief Executive Officers of Government owned companies shall verify that the process of preparation, harmonisation and collation of budget estimates are as stipulated in relevant laws and guidelines as well as ensure strict compliance with this Executive Order.
5.     Except with the express consent of the President, no payment shall be made in respect of any capital or recurrent liability of an Agency, other than payment of due salaries and allowances, unless the Agency has an approved budget and the payment is in conformity with the approval.
6.     Heads of Agencies and Chief Executive Officers of Government owned companies shall take personal responsibility and be subject to appropriate sanctions for any failure to comply with this Order.
7.     Any revenue or other funds of an Agency in excess of the amounts budgeted and duly expended shall accrue to the consolidated revenue fund of the Federal Government.
8.     This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Dated this 18th. . . . . .. . day of May . . . . . . 2017. 
Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, GCON
Acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Released by:
Laolu Akande
Senior Special Assistant on Media & Publicity to the President
Office of the Vice President
May 18, 2017 

Friday, May 19, 2017

See the 'Quack Doctor' Who Allegedly Gave Late Senator Adeleke Banned Injection Which Killed Him (Photo)

Alfred Aderibigbe, the 'quack doctor' who injected late Senator Isiaka Adeleke with banned drugs, has testified that the Senator gave him the drugs himself.

The above photo is Alfred Aderibigbe, the health assistant who allegedly administered some injections on Senator Isiaka Adeleke shortly before his death on 23 April.
We had reported earlier that while testifying before the coroner, as ordered by Governor Rauf Aregbesola on Thursday, Alfred said that he has been administering injections on the late lawmaker for a long time.
He said he met Adeleke over 20 years ago while working at the State Hospital, Ede, when he treated a girl who was rushed to the facility because of convulsion.
Aderibigbe added, “After a while, I started treating him (medically). Whenever he was given prescription and he probably didn’t complete his treatment in Abuja, I would administer the remaining. He had other nurses in Abuja, and some in Lagos.

“I’m his nurse in Ede. I don’t know any of them (other nurses), but I know that whenever he was given injection by those nurses, he would show me in order to know the new area to inject him.
“He was hypertensive and he had gouty arthritis. I was close to him. I used to advise him to rest for him to be okay.

“He stopped smoking for a long time. He drank alcoholic drinks.”
At the inquest on Wednesday, Dr. Solaja, a toxicologist, had said results of tests conducted on Adeleke did not indicate poison or traces of heavy metals, but high levels of alcohol, sedatives and painkillers.

“The toxicology showed abnormally high levels of alcohol, sedatives, and analgesics in the blood of the deceased. There was no poison or traces of heavy metals. The police did the toxicology. Mr. Benedict Agbo is the Police toxicologist, who carried out further examination,” said Dr. Solaja.


Fire outbreak guts 8 houses and shops in Iwo

At least houses and shops were gutted by fire at Akogun compound, Opp. Oja Ale market, Iwo, Osun State early (Friday) this morning.

The fire incident which took firefighters, youths and residents about three hours to put out, started by 1:15 am and brought under total control by 4:05 am.

No injuries or casualties were reported in the incident.

The cause of the fire, however remains unidentified.

The Oluwo of Iwo Land, Oba Adewale Akanbi, Chairman, special committee on fire safety matters, Hon. Oguntola Mudasiru Toogun and Divisional Police Officer, Iwo were soaked up as they joined firefighters to put out the fire.⁠⁠⁠⁠

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Nollywood star actress Moji Olaiya has been reported dead. She was 42 years old.

Multiple sources said she died of heart attack in Canada, where she gave birth to a baby girl in March. The baby was her second child.

Her first daughter is 18 years old.

The beautiful actress, who had featured in many Yoruba and English movies, married her second husband last year after her first marriage ended in 2008.

She was the daughter of high life music legend, Victor Olaiya.

She was born in February 1975.


After Successfully Releasing Of That Hit Banger #ODIKOKO Which Creates Many Waves Back Then As At When Released. Here Is The Official Refix Version Blended By That Turn Table Wizard Exclusive DJTHUNERDEX (BABA_OGBON) Featuring The Hit Creator Himself @IAMDONZAZA. 
Just Hit The Download Button Below To Feel The Hot Gbedu, Comment & Help to Rebroadcast!!!


The face- off involving the fiery politician cum publisher Chief Abiola Ogundokun and the Oluwo of Iwo, His Royal Highness Oba Abdul Rasheed Akanbi has taken a new dimension as the Osun State prominent traditional ruler today wielded the big stick by exercising his power to choose members of his traditional council and he has therefore appointed a 
businessman as the new Otun Balogun of Iwo land. 

The new Otun Balogun Alhaji Jimoh Babatunde Okanlawon is the CEO of JBO Hotels and JBO Group of Companies. Oluwo had few days back announced the removal of Ogundokun as the Otun Balogun while some members of a ruling house in the city faulted the monarch’s removal order, some youths in Iwo also protested against what they referred to as the chief’s intransigencies against the Oluw

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Anti-Ogundokun Protest Rocks IWO, Protesters warns Ogundokun to stay off Oluwo

Iwo town yesterday witnessed a patriotic frenzy for Oluwo of Iwo, HRM Oba Abdullrosheed Adewale Akanbi as the sons, daughters and visitors of Iwo came out in hundreds to express their grievances against the embattled Mr. Biola Ogundokun who resorted to baseless allegations against Oluwo after he was stripe off of titles.

The concerned people of Iwo staged a protest to condemn what they regard as the uncultured disposition of Mr. Biola Ogundokun towards the revered Oluwo following the dethronement of all chieftaincy titles accorded Ogundokun. The protesters held placards with inscriptions such as “an enemy of Telu is enemy of Iwo”, “Mr. Ogundokun, stay off Iwo or incur the wrath of youth”, “Oluwo is a blessing to the entire black race”, “Iwoland youths are proud of Oba Telu”, “We can never dignify someone who beat his mother”, “ Oluwo deserves respect from everyone” , “E je ka fi ote sile” and many others.

The protesters unanimously warned Mr. Ogundokun to stay away from discussing Oluwo or incur the wrath of Iwo indigenes.

Addressing the press during the peaceful protest, the chairman of Reformer Vanguard in Iwo, Comrade Kayode Tajudeen Ajayi said he is perturbed by the utterances of Mr. Biola Oundokun against the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi. He added Oluwo is an unrepentant man that should be penalized with all machineries. According to him, “I was one of those who challenged him then. He sued me to court with a fine of #10 million through lawyer Tewo. I was later rescued by concerned Iwolites. The youths are pleased with Oluwo for his progressive agendum.

Comrade Kayode described Oluwo as a committed monarch who compromise his policies for the interest of his people. He faulted those hiding under Oluwo hospitality to insubordinate the crown as products of divided home. Oluwo preaches unity and peace part of which was why he brought Ogundokun closer. People warned Oluwo then but his desire for unity insisted. Now, Oluwo is bringing back the loss glory of Iwo. To our dismay, Mr. Ogundokun is barking condemning and blackmailing Oluwo of unfounded allegations. We are protesting for our future not because of Oluwo. Oluwo is a father with unmatched passion for youth development. Why should someone now come to distract Oluwo from his action plans for Iwo?

Comrade Ariyo Sulaiman Ola popularly called Ola Ariyo described Mr. Ogundokun public utterances against Oluwo as embarrassing and immature, saying Oba Akanbi has the right to install and de-robe any chief of titles. He said the decision for the removal of Mr. Ogundokun was the best for the interest of Iwo. He was quoted saying “It is regrettable that after his dethronement, he went to radio stations and bought newspaper pages with baseless and immature allegations of a person of his age (Ogundokun). He added the protest is to vomit their disapproval of Ogundokun allegations against our competent monarch (Oba Akanbi)”.

Comrade Fatai Agoro lambasted Ogundokun as a useless being to Iwo despite been aged and we, the youth can never open our eyes for someone like Mr. Ogundokun to discredit our capable king. He said Oluwo is the father of all in Iwo irrespective of age and status and should be respected for his unprecedented vision for Iwoland. He described Ogundokun as a usual jug breaker in contending with monarchs. He beseeched Oluwo to permit indigenes to fight the oral war with Ogundokun for him to evaluate he is worthless. He added Ogundokun need to be curbed this time. He did the same to the two former Oluwo. He has forgotten this present Oluwo is unique. May be we need to them with our protest. Oluwo is our image and is representing us competently. He has many visions and we can`t tolerate any distraction from anybody, irrespective of status”.

“Those disturbing Oluwo are political humbugs, jetsams, never do well and community robbers. They never had any good intention for Iwo. If they have, they should calculate their age and point to what they have done. A fool at 82. These people are old and should never be allowed to rot our genearation. We learnt that was how he started his life. He implicated Laywer Atanda who would have been the first governor from Iwo in the defunct Oyo state. He fought the late Oba Abimbola and Oba Tadese till death. He now wanted to transfer his trait to Oba Akanbi. Never, the youth will not permit . we are even ready to sacrifice whatever it takes” said Agoro.

Alhaji Taofeeq Amobi said Ogundokun is a shameless man of no value. He lamented Ogundokun as enemy of the youth and Iwo in general. According to him, Ogundokun is Iwo robber for years who was given chieftaincy titles to redeem him. But our dismay, he is unrepentant, deceptively growing more wings. We are happy with Oba Akanbi thinning those wings. We are demonstrating to register our dissatisfaction against Ogundokun statements and tell people our stand. Ogundokun is an irredeemable man. He has no wife at home for years till date. He is waving out gradually.

“Ogundokun is a wicked man whose joy is to implicate the sons and daughters of Iwo. I have witnessed many planned cases of stage-managing the downfall of Iwo indigenes. I could remember a day his vehicle killed a goat in Iwo. He packed and paid the goat owner. After few weeks, he came back and requested for the goat meat. Those who shared the meat contributed and he collected his money back. That is Ogundokun for you. He also beat his mother mercilessly in the public. He equally implicate his vehicle engineer, Ayinde and sent him to prison like his furniture and tailor. He incarcerated all of them in Ilesha prison. Help us tell him, no one will bury him if he die”.

Prince Musbau Semiu Ademola (MSA) tagged Ogundokun an unfit man to be an indigene of Iwo for his childish, immature claims against Oluwo. He said Ogundokun is curse to Iwoland known for long and well established in the lyric of our fathers and mothers as “ Sangba fo nisale oba, Ogundokun gbowo titi je”. He disclosed Ogundokun is known fighting kings and this will be the last for him. He did it for the late Abimbola and Tadese. We love our monarch for his visions and missions for Iwo.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Chief Imam backs Oluwo over Ogundokun’s removal

The Chief Imam of Iwoland, Sheik Abdulfatai Olododo, has said the removal of Chief Abiola Ogundokun as the Basorun Musulumi of Iwoland by the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Addulrasheed, is in order.

The chief imam said there was nothing strange in the removal of Ogundokun, a former chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party, by the monarch, who he said had the absolute power to appoint or remove title holders.

The chief imam said this in a telephone interview with our correspondent in Osogbo on Friday.

Olododo said the monarch was right to strip the 82 year old of the Islamic title because the title was conferred on him by the institution of Oluwo.

He said, “Oluwo is right to strip him of the title because he was the one that conferred it on him. He has the right. I am not part of those, who are saying the Oluwo has no right to strip him of the title of Basorun Musulumi.

“I am in support of the Oluwo. He was the one, who installed me as the Chief Imam so he has the right to remove anyone, who he installs.”

Another Islamic leader in the town, Alhaji Bashir  Omotokese, said the Chief Imam had never said the Oluwo was not competent to remove  Ogundokun as the Basorun Musulumi.

Another Islamic leader in the town, Alhaji Mutiu Abludazeez, who said four of them  including Ogundokun were conferred  with various Islamic titles by the late  Oluwo.

He said the Oluwo had the right to confer Islamic titles on Iwo people because the practice and the tradition in Iwo was quite different from other towns especially in Yorubaland.

He said, “Oluwo is the consenting authority regarding Islamic titles in Iwoland. He is the one, who appoints the chief imam and there was a time when the Oluwo stool was vacant for years, there was no Imam also.

“The town only had imam when another Oluwo was installed. So, that shows that Oluwo appoints imams and other Islamic title holders and he can remove them.”

The Oluwo had last week announced the remover of Ogundokun as the Basorun Musulumi and other chieftaincy titles conferred on him by the Oluwo over allegation of disrespect and working against the development of the town.

Ogundokun while reacting to the monarch’s action said he lacked the competence to strip him of the titles because he was conferred with them long before Oba Akanbi ascended the throne.

When Two Elephants Fight…As Oluwo of Iwo and High Chief Abiola Ogundokun Engage in Verbal Slugfest

Colourful and controversial, the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdul-Rasheed Akanbi, has become (in)famous for his predilection to get into spats with whoever got in his way or attempted to. If he is not displaying his gaudy lifestyle on social media, including new material acquisitions, he is posting childlike videos like an excitable kid just experiencing a smart phone. The recent in his expanding catalogue of opponents is an old political warhorse and the Publicity Secretary of the defunct National Party of Nigeria, Chief Abiola Ogundokun.
In a fit of power-drunkenness, the Oluwo, last Sunday, stripped Ogundokun of all chieftaincy titles, ranging from Islamic, social to traditional titles conferred on him by the Iwo Traditional Council. The Iwo monarch accused Ogundokun of disrespecting him as well as making utterances and actions he described as anti-Iwo, saying, “A Chief is appointed to favour the town. Any Chief, either traditional or religious, who engages in a bad conduct should be dealt with accordingly. Ogundokun is one of them. I removed him after due consultation with Chiefs, religious leaders, stakeholders and opinion leaders in the interest of Iwo.” Continuing, he said, “Ogundokun went as far as going to a radio station to molest Iwo, the crown and her subjects. It is high time we shoved him off. He is a liability to our land. He has no respect for Iwo and needs to be treated like a traitor.”
However, the 82-year-old Ogundokun, forged in the political warfare of the 70s through the 80s to the Sani Abacha days, has described the Oluwo as incompetent to strip him of any title. “I have been maintaining and using my money to keep him. A few months ago, he told the whole world that Ogundokun is the best Iwo man. He said if he had two Ogundokuns in Iwo, he did not need anybody again.
He is doing this because I advised him against criminality, to stop collecting money from people he does not intend to confer chieftaincy titles on.” To underscore that the King might just be on an exuberant spree, religious leaders across the three local government areas that make up the ancient town, as well as the five royal families, in a meeting held at the Iwo Central mosque, faulted the decision of the monarch and unanimously passed a vote of confidence on the high chief. They maintained that Ogundokun has not done anything that contravenes neither Islamic doctrine, nor traditional norm, which necessitated the action of the king. He is yet to respond as at press time. But knowing the Oluwo, a ringing riposte is afoot
