Sunday, February 26, 2017



Written by: Abiodun Olaniyan

There are two wise saying that are applicable now in the present chapter of  Ogun West senatorial district's quest for equity, justice and fairness in the politics of Ogun State. They are "charity begins at home" and "he that must come to equity must come with clean hands". These two sayings of the wise ones should serve as lessons in time for Ogun West as another chance for the senatorial district to contest for the elusive Ogun governorship seat beckons in 2019.

It is no news that Ogun West senatorial district of Ogun State is seriously agitating for the post of Ogun State governor and it is no news that the agitation is getting necessary backing at the right quarters. It is right that they are agitating. It is right because it is the only district out of the three in the state that is yet to produce Governor since the creation of the state in 1976.

The bastion on which the west is leaning to push their agitation for the seat of power are the democratic tenets of equity, justice and fairness. As a matter of fact, that the senatorial district has not governed the state so far is a dent on the democratic credentials of a state like Ogun state that has benefitted from national concession severally.

Having been experiencing alienation from power since the creation of the state in which they are a joint stakeholder that fits perfectly into the definition of equality which is a state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or group have the same status, Ogun West has a strong case.

Since the political practice is demos kratos (democracy) peoples' power and not aristocracy in which only the privileged ones rule.

However as Ogun West pushes for equity, justice and fairness in the running of Ogun State as a joint stakeholder, a question should be asked. Is Ogun West practicing the same tenets within her local politics?

It seems some in Ogun West are becoming guilty of the trespassing of democratic tenets that the district is fighting against. Some Ogun West people cannot be attempting to deny one of their own the right to contest for political position which he qualifies for and at the same time be pushing for the rest of Ogun State to recognize the right of the senatorial district to occupy Okemosan on the tenets of equity, justice and fairness. “Nobody goes to the altar of equity with dirty hands, it is an abomination.”

Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola aka Yayi is an Ogun State man of Ogun West origin that is based in Lagos and has won elections into public offices representing the people of Alimosho and Lagos West in general. He has a direct link with his home with verifiable records.

Having served the sophisticated people of Lagos meritoriously and has received votes of confidence again and again looking at the number of time he contested and won elections, he felt now is the time to return home and stand up for the people of his native Ogun West in the front line of the difficult battle they have been fighting since 1976, the political battle against marginalization and denial of democratic rights.

This move in itself is a huge sacrifice because he is leaving certainty for uncertainty. His sacrificial move deserves applause and not condemnation. Before anyone says why not stay back in Lagos where he has been blessed so much, that person should know that the call for ages by leaders, especially royal fathers and the people of different towns in Ogun West is that sons and daughters of the senatorial district should return home to help in the development of Ogun West. Before another person says why not help in other ways aside standing for election, that person should not forget the generally held belief in Ogun West that it is until Ogun West holds political power in Ogun State that the fortune of the district and her people will change for the better. So Senator Adeola is doing a moral thing with a every sense of responsibility and the law got his back on this.

For Ogun West people that want justice, fairness and equity to prevail as they struggle for the district's right in the scheme of things in the state, they must make sure they are not guilty of shouting down the democratic and moral rights of a bonafide citizen of the district so as not to become like the proverbial pilfer that calls cats thieves.

As the peace loving people of Ogun West struggle for the due recognition of their long overdue democratic right comes 2019, they must make sure charity begins at home. The people of the district must be fair to all, ensure justice prevail in the west's local politics before matching out against the hegemonic army out there. Equity must be the watchword.

A true Ogun West son, Senator Solomon Adeola's right to vote and be voted for in Ogun West should not be shouted down while the same Ogun West is expecting that her right to Okemosan should be respected by the rest of State.

They that are going to equity should be ready to go with clean hands, dirty hands will desecrate the sacred altar of democratic equity.

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